Yoma 13 - Shabbat April 24, 12 Iyar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Do we hold like Rabbi Meir or Rabbi Yosi in their debate regarding the situation of the Kohen who replaces the Kohen Gadol when the original Kohen Gadol comes back to his job? On what issues does Rabbi Yosi agree with Rabbi Meir? The gemara delves into the back and forth discussion in the mishna between Rabbi Yehuda and the rabbis regarding a replacement wife for the Kohen Gadol in case his wife were to die. Why do the rabbis distinguish between a replacement wife and a replacement Kohen? On what basis does Rabbi Yehuda disagree with them? The gemara concludes that according to Rabbi Yehuda, the extra wife must marry the Kohen Gadol – how can this work as it can be derived from the verse that he is to have only one wife on Yom Kippur? The gemara concludes that he gives her a divorce document (a get) with a condition (it will be a get, if…). After a lot of trial and error, the gemara determines exactly what the condition needs to be and also concludes that both wives receive a conditional get. Why isn’t the same derivation used by a yevama (one who needs to do levirate marriage) to exclude one who had multiple wives? The rabbis and Rabbi Yehuda have a debate regarding a Kohen Gadol who becomes an onen (when a close relative dies until the burial). He is allowed to work in the Temple but cannot eat sacrificial meat. But if he is not in the Temple at the time do they bring him to the Temple?

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