Yoma 16 - April 27, 15 Iyar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Yoma 16 Pictures Today's daf is sponsored by Julie Landau in honor of Caroline Ben Ari, "a wonderful friend and chevruta, whose example inspired me to begin learning daf yomi." The gemara brings a contradiction between a mishna in Tamid and a mishna in Midot and reconciles it by saying that the mishna in Midot follows Rabbi Eliezer ben Yaakov's tradition. This is proven by bringing another mishna in Midot which seems to be authored by Rabbi Eliezer ben Yaakov. The gemara brings another bunch of mishnayot to prove this, explaining why the wall above the easternmost entrance to the Temple has to be low. Rav Huna tries to prove that this could be because of Rabbi Yehuda's opinion regarding the position of the altar within the width of the room, but the gemara rejects this explanation.  

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