Yoma 18 - April 29, 17 Iyar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Yoma 18 Today's daf is sponsored by Aryeh Cohen in honor of his wife Lillian's Birthday. Wishing her a very happy birthday on her special birthday today. "Lillian was so inspired by the Hadran women's Siyum Hashas last year that she took on Daf Yomi and enjoys discussing the gemara at home. With much love and appreciation to a wonderful wife, mother and grandmother from husband Aryeh, Gila and Doron, Sara and Isaac, Daniel, Amichai, Yedidya and Hannah." And by Chaya Bayla bat Rafael v'Rifka in memory of her beloved father, Rafael ben Avram Yaakov v'Breindl. "He was a Holocaust survivor who died when he was young, and I was just a child. I feel blessed by his memory every day. I dedicate my learning to him on this 49th yahrzeit." What preparations would the Kohen Gadol do in the days leading up to Yom Kippur? They would bring him animals that he would be sacrificing to familiarize him with them. Why did the mishna leave out the goats? Were there limitations on what foods he could eat? Yes, in order to prevent seminal emissions. It was told that Rav and Rav Nachman that when they traveled, they would announce "Who will be my wife for the night?" How can one possibly explain this seemingly absurd story? How did the rabbis do this? 

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