Yoma 19 - Lag Baomer, April 30, 18 Iyar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Yoma 19 Today's daf will be in memory of all those who were killed in the stampede in Meron last night and for a refuah shleima for all those injured. Today’s daf is also sponsored by Heather Seid. "I am so blessed to have a partner who is also my chevruta. I love you, Sammy. Thank you for encouraging me to do Daf Yomi. I’ve already gotten so much out of the experience."   The Kohen Gadol would sleep in the Parhedrin Chamber and would go to the Chamber of Beit Avtinas to learn how to perform the burning of the incense. Both were in the azara - one of in the North and one in the South. Which was where? The rabbis of the court would make the Kohen Gadol swear - what did he need to swear and why? What was the debate between the Sadducees and the Pharicees? By bringing a particular story, the gemara switches topics to discuss is one allowed to motion to someone during Kriat Shema. The Kohen Gadol wouldn't sleep all night on Yom Kippur night. How would they keep him awake? What customs developed from here and what bad things did they lead to?

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