Yoma 2 - April 13, Rosh Chodesh Iyar, 1 Iyar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Pictures Yoma 2 Study Guide Yoma 2 Masechet Yoma is sponsored by Vicky Harari "in commemoration of my father's yahrtzeit, on Pesach Sheini 14 Iyar 5777, Avraham Baruch Hacohen ben Zeev Eliyahu Eckstein z'l. My father was a survivor of Auschwitz and a feminist before it was fashionable. He raised me to believe that women could achieve anything. He would be proud to know that his daughter is an avid learner of Hadran! And in gratitude to Michelle Cohen Farber for revolutionizing women's learning worldwide." Today's daf is sponsored by Rabbi Ze'ev and Dr. Rebecca Felsen in honor of their daughter, Miriam Chaya Felsen "who was born when the Daf Yomi cycle last began Yoma, and so is one daf yomi cycle (2711 days) old on this day. We are immensely proud of her, how much she has learned, how much is learning and how much she will with Hashem's help learn in the future." And Aliza Avshalom "in memory and lezechut her mother and teacher in all things, Sara bat Esther and Arieh Bellehsen. And in honor of my father and teacher David Bellehsen. May he live a long and good life, that thanks to Hadran and Rabbanit Farber, has become my virtual chavruta." And by Ilene Strauss "in memory of my mother Leah bat Yaakov upon her 11th yahrzeit. She taught me to love Judaism and made each and every holiday and Shabbat special."  Masechet Yoma is sponsored by Vicky Harari "in commemoration of my father's yahrtzeit, on Pesach Sheini 14 Iyar 5777, Avraham Baruch Hacohen ben Zeev Eliyahu Eckstein z'l. My father was a survivor of Auschwitz and a feminist before it was fashionable. He raised me to believe that women could achieve anything. He would be proud to know that his daughter is an avid learner of Hadran! And in gratitude to Michelle Cohen Farber for revolutionizing women's learning worldwide." Today's daf is sponsored by Rabbi Ze'ev and Dr. Rebecca Felsen in honor of their daughter, Miriam Chaya Felsen "who was born when the Daf Yomi cycle last began Yoma, and so is one daf yomi cycle (2711 days) old on this day. We are immensely proud of her, how much she has learned, how much is learning and how much she will with Hashem's help learn in the future." And Aliza Avshalom "in memory and lezechut her mother and teacher in all things, Sara bat Esther and Arieh Bellehsen. And in honor of my father and teacher David Bellehsen. May he live a long and good life, that thanks to Hadran and Rabbanit Farber, has become my virtual chavruta." And by Ilene Strauss "in memory of my mother Leah bat Yaakov upon her 11th yahrzeit. She taught me to love Judaism and made each and every holiday and Shabbat special."  Seven days before Yom Kippur, the Kohen Gadol left his house and came to the Temple. A replacement Kohen Gadol was put in place in case the Kohen Gadol became impure. Was there also a need for a wife "in waiting"? The Kohen who burned the red heifer would also separate from his home seven days before. Why? What else was done to prevent people from not taking seriously the laws of purity of a red heifer? Why was this necessary? From where do we derive that these Kohanim needed to separate before? It was derived from the "miluim." Why were these derived from there and not other days?

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