Yoma 21 - May 2, 20 Iyar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Yoma 21 Pictures Today's daf is sponsored by Elizabeth Jacob in memory of Danny Morris and all those killed in the tragic accident in Meron on Friday. May his memory be a blessing and may his family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. And in memory of all those killed and for a refuah shleima to all the people injured. And by Elisheva Rappoport, in memory of her beloved sister Raizel Zucker's first Yartzeit. "Raizel and her husband made Aliya to Israel and were raising their eight children in Beitar Illit, where Raizel often hosted Jewish learning events for her tight-knit community of women. When Raizel came to New York for treatment last year, I recall sharing a particular daf with her - Shabbat 12B - in which the Gemara states that a sick person does not need the angels to bring her prayer before Hashem since the Divine Presence is with her. I felt the power of this statement firsthand. Raizel took much strength from her Yiddishkeit and always maintained her positivity. May our learning bring an aliyas neshama to Toiba Raizel bat Zlata." During the holidays, the azara in the Temple would fill up with people but there was space for all to bow in a spaced out manner. This was one of the miracles that happened in the Temple. The mishna from Avot 5:5 is quoted listing the ten miracles. The gemara challenges the mishna as there are others besides those ten. Answers are brought to explain which ten are meant to be mentioned and why those and not others.

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