Yoma 23 - May 4, 22 Iyar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Yoma 23 This week's shiurim are dedicated by Shira and Bill Futornick for the refuah shleima of Michelle Futornick, Ilana bat Miryam. And by Aviva Adler on her father Joseph Kahane's 5th yahrzeit, Yoseph ben Tzvi HaKohen z"l. In what situations must one take revenge and in what situations is it forbidden? If the kohanim could only be counted once in a lottery, how does it say in the mishna that they could put out one or two finger? What is 'pakia'? A braita quotes a tragic story where due to competition to get the job, one kohen stabbed another. Did this story happen first or did the other with the broken leg? This version of the story ends with a terrible reaction of the father of the kohen who was dying who was worried more about impurity than his son dying. Rabbi Tzadok got up and made a public statement that caused all attending to burst into tears. The gemara raises several questions on different parts of the story. Is the removal of the ashes considered a ritual or not? There is a debate that is derived from the verses in the Torah regarding what clothes the kohen wears to do this activity.   

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