Yoma 24 - May 5, 23 Iyar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Yoma 24 Is the dispute between Reish and Lakish and Rabbi Yochanan regarding the removal of the ashes (whether it is considered an avoda, a ritual, or not) a dispute also between tannaim? Rav and Levi disagree about a non kohen who removes the ashes - is he liable for death in the hands of God or not? How does each one derive their opinion from the verse? The gemara raises some questions about Levi and also about both. Then, braitot are brought to strengthen each position. Why do they four lotteries and not just one? Do the priests wear holy garments or  regular clothes when doing the lottery? Rav Nachman and Rav Sheshet disagree about this and each brings a psychological/behavioral explanation.

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