Yoma 25 - May 6, 24 Iyar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Yoma 25 Pictures Today's daf is sponsored by Ruth Leah Kahan, Jessica Shklar, and Emily Michelson in memory of their mother Kadimah bat haRav Avraham Tzvi ben Tzion v'Chaya on her third yahrzeit. And by Robin Bodek Rosenbaum to mark the 11th yahrzeit of her father, Rav Reuven ben Tzvi Hersh, Reuben Bodek. A prince of a man who was loved by all who knew him. He is sorely missed. Rav Nachman and Rav Sheshet each bring proof for their opinion regarding what clothes did the kohanim wear while doing the lottery. From one of the sources brought, they derive that the lishkat hagazit, the Chamber of Hewn Stone was partially in the sanctified area (in the azara) and partly in the non-sanctified area with entrances from either side. The second lottery was for the slaughtering of the Tamid sacrifice, the sprinkling of the blood, the cleaning of the inner altar and the menorah, and the carrying of the parts of the animal to be placed on the altar. There were thirteen jobs in the lottery. Would they do 13 separate lotteries or did one person "win" the lottery and the next 12 people in line got the other jobs? The job of accepting the blood doesn't appear in the list - was that job given to the slaughterer or to the one who sprinkled the blood? The gemara brings four different opinions regarding the order in which the parts were brought onto the altar. Why were the head and the right hind leg brought first and together according to all the opinions?

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