Yoma 28 - May 9, 27 Iyar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Yoma 28 Today's daf is dedicated by Elana Perlin in honor of her mother, Barbara Alpert. Happy Mother's Day! I love you and I'm glad I can share my thoughts with you on the daf every day. May the American, Canadian border open soon! The gemara brought two different versions of Rabbi Yochanan's statement regarding when a non-kohen will be liable for death. And also a different version of the question Rabbi Zeira asked on the original version of Rabbi Yochanan's statement. In the Temple, how did they determine when the sun had begun to rose in order to enable the beginning of the daily temple activities? What kind of issues arise when using shadows or rays that may enter the room from the outside to determine the time of day? Avraham prayer mincha at exactly midday - why don't we do that? According to the gemara, Avraham kept all the commandments, including Eruv Tavshilin. The Kohen Gadol would begin his day on Yom Kippur by going to the mikveh and washing his hands and feet. 

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