Yoma 29 - Yom Yerushalayim, May 10, 28 Iyar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is in honor of the city of Jerusalem. Celebrating 54 years since its unification. And for a refuah shleima of Pesha Etel bat Sara.  Rav Nachman brings a list of things that are surprisingly more difficult/stronger than something else, like the sun on a cloudy day in comparison to a non-cloudy day. Rabbi Avahu continues with a drasha regarding the difference between the rays of the sun and the moon by bringing a verse from Psalms 22 about ayelet hashachar. Others explain how the verse connects with Esther. The mishna explains that they had to burn the Tamid sacrifice one day where they made a mistake thinking it was morning. The house of Rabbi Avin brought a braita that also a bird offering slaughtered or a meal offering brought at night would also be burned. The gemara raises several questions on this.

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