Yoma 3 - Yom HaZikaron, April 14, 2 Iyar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Yoma 3 The daf today is dedicated in memory of the fallen soldiers that were killed protecting the State of Israel and in memory of those that were killed in terrorist attacks and died by Kiddush Hashem. The month of Iyar is sponsored by the Hadran Women of Long Island group in memory of Irwin Weber a"h, Yitzchak Dov ben Avraham Alter and Rachel, beloved father of our member Debbie Weber Schreiber. Today’s Daf is dedicated by the Raye, Cohen and Maybaum families in honor of their mother- Liesel Maybaum, Elisheva bat Yehuda. "She had a great thirst for knowledge and championed her children and grandchildren to strive for knowledge in the Torah world. As today is Yom Hazikaron, we are sure she would want it mentioned as she was a lover of Israel and so proud of her grandchildren who have served and are currently serving in צהל." And by Tamara Katz in honor of the third yahrtzeit of her grandfather, Shlomo ben Yacov Zvi Hacohen and Dvora. And for a refuah shleima for Basmat bat Yardena. The gemara continues to raise questions against the drasha from the inauguration days to Yom Kippur (that one needs to separate for seven days before) – why not learn instead to Shavuot or Rosh Hashana?  The gemara brings another opinion of Rabbi Yochanan that the drasha was only for Yom Kippur and not for the red heifer. How does this fit in with the mishna in Para? After Reish Lakish raised another issue with the drasha, Rabbi Yochanan derives the separation on Yom Kippur instead from a verse relating to Mount Sinai when the Torah was given. However there only six days are mentioned – how do we get to seven?

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