Yoma 31 - March 12, Rosh Chodesh Sivan, 1 Sivan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Pictures The learning for the month of Sivan is sponsored by Josh Sussman in honor of both his wife, Romi’s 50th birthday and their son, Zeli. "He will, B’Ezrat HaShem, be making his first solo siyum on Masechet Yoma at his Bar Mitzvah in July. Romi and I are so proud to be sharing in our learning of Daf Yomi with Zeli and couldn’t be prouder of him." Today's daf is sponsored by Lesley Glassberg Nadel and Don Nadel in memory of the yahrzeit of Leslie's mother Theresa Glassberg (Tova Bat Zvi Hirsch). And by Deborah Aschheim Weiss in honor of her 39th wedding anniversary to Robert Weiss. "Robert, you have enabled me to accomplish so much: 4 amazing children and a rewarding career. Now you have encouraged me to undertake the daf. May we continue to partner and support each other for many more years." If only a small part of one’s body goes into the azara, is there a requirement to go to the mikveh first? Can one stand outside with a really long knife and slaughter an animal inside without going to the mikveh? Since the mikveh was above the Water Gate, one can determine the height of the water level at Ein Eitam from which the water streamed into that mikveh. They spread a sheet of linen over the entrance to the mikveh for privacy. Why linen? The mishna describes the Kohen Gadol first activities on the morning of Yom Kippur – beginning with the first dipping and changing clothes, sacrificing the Tamid sacrifice, its meal offerings and libations, the Kohen Gadol’s daily mincha offering, and the daily incense. How did they heat up the water in the mikveh if the Kohen Gadol was elderly or particular about going in cold water? The mishna described only one washing of hands and feet as one washing is on removing his holy garments and the second is for putting on holy garments. At this first stage, he is removing unsanctified clothing. It seems the mishna must not go according to Rabbi Meir as he holds that the two washings are both on getting dressed – one before and one after. Is there a way to explain the mishna also like Rabbi Meir? Can his approach only be explained in this manner?

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