Yoma 35 - May 16, 5 Sivan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Yoma 35 Pictures This week's learning is sponsored by Joy Benatar in memory of Miriam David, Malka bat Michael v'Esther. Remembered as a devoted wife, mother, grandmother, and Jewish educator. Why is the room called Beit HaParva? Why did they hold up specifically a garment made of linen? Why did the mishna tell us the total sum of how much the clothing cost? Can a kohen use his own clothing for work in the Temple? A story is told about the clothes of Rabbi Elazar ben Charsom whose mother made his very expensive fine clothing to work in the Temple but the threads were transparent and one could see his body underneath the clothing. Since Rabbi Elazar ben Charsom is mentioned, the gemara brings a braita that also relates to him. A poor person, a rich person and an evil person are brought to judgement and asked, “Why did you not learn Torah?” If they say they were too poor, they remind them of the story of Hillel who always learned Torah in the same place every day but one day couldn’t pay the entrance fee and he sacrificed his life to learn Torah by going up to the roof on a snowy day and risking his life to listen to the Torah through the skylight.” If he says he is too rich, they remind him of Rabbi Elazar ben Charsom who was so rich and yet left his business dealings to others and spent his time going from place to place learning Torah. If he says he is too beautiful, they remind him of the story of Yosef who didn’t give in to Potifar’s wife’s daily attempts to seduce him. The mishna continues in the actions of the Kohen Gadol. He takes the bull and does smicha, then vidui, confession of his sins and his family’s sins.

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