Yoma 37 - May 18, 7 Sivan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Yoma 37 Pictures Today's daf is sponsored by Michelle and Laurence Berkowitz in memory of Joy Rochwarger Balsam z"l on her 17th yahrzeit, Joy was a pioneer in women's learning and taught many students in many parts of the world. Joy wanted to teach Torah to anybody who wanted to learn, from Poland to Russia to her many students from Midreshet Moriah. Joy would have been so proud of Hadran Daf Yomi and Rabbanit Farber and to all else involved in this great endeavor. Because as Joy did, Hadran spreads Torah to anybody who wants to learn anywhere. Joy was immensely involved in all that went on in Israel as she lived here for many years. During these difficult times, may Joy's neshama be a Meilitzat Yosher to bring peace and security to the people of Israel in the State of Israel. The gemara explains the language of the confession on the bull - why is the word 'ana' (please) used and why is God's name mentioned? Where did the kohen stand when he did the lottery on the goats? Who stood beside him? In what formation did they stand? The mishna describes different people who designed beautiful or more useful items for the Temple. What were they and who was credited with each one? 

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