Yoma 39 - May 20, 9 Sivan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Yoma 39 Pictures Today's shiur is dedicated for a refuah shleima for Pesha Etel bat Sarah.  How was the lottery for the two goats performed? What was done in order to prevent trickery? What was done to prevent animosity between the Kohen Gadol and his potential replacement (s'gan)? If was seen as a good sign if the lot for God came out in the Kohen Gadol's right hand. Braitot are brought that describe miracles that happened when Shimon the Tzadik was the Kohen Gadol that did not happen after his death. How many times did the Kohen Gadol say the unique name of God on Yom Kippur and at what points in the service? Certain sounds and smells were heard/smelled in Jericho and Jerusalem. Is the drawing of the lot sand placing them on the goats an essential part of the Yom Kippur service, i.e. if either was not performed, would the ceremony still be valid? 

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