Yoma 42 - May 23, 12 Sivan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Yoma 42 This week of learning is sponsored by Robert Cohen in memory his mother, my grandmother, Helen Cohen, Henna bat Yitzchak Nechemia z"l. This week is also sponsored for a refuah shleima of Pesha Etel bat Sarah.  What are the different opinions regarding the size of the red strip of wool needed for different mitzvot in the Torah? Regarding the slaughtering of the bull for Yom Kippur and the red heifer – one is permitted by a non-Kohen and one is not. There is a debate regarding which is permitted/forbidden? What are the proofs for each opinion? The gemara brings difficulties for each opinion. Ulla states that in the section of the red heifer, there are some laws that are unique to one part of the process and some that are relevant for the whole process. Ulla proceeds to bring drashot for the verses on the subject from Bamidbar 19.

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