Yoma 43 - May 24, 13 Sivan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Yoma 43 Pictures The gemara goes on to extrapolate all the words in the section about the red heifer that indicate a particular person and explain in some cases whether this verse is different from the previous verse and it is a different person who can be involved or is it continuing the same meaning as the previous verse and the same person can do that action as well? Who is able to do each step of the process? The gemara returns to the controversy between Rav and Shmuel regarding whether or not a non-kohen can slaughter the red heifer. Rabbi Yochanan has a different position than them. Why in the first confession did the high priest not confess also for all the kohanim and only did so in the second confession? The mishnah continues with the continued work of the High Priest with the incense and brings a list of things they were done differently on Yom Kippur than on other days of the year.

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