Yoma 44 - May 25, 14 Sivan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Yoma 44 Pictures No one is allowed to be in the sanctuary while the Kohen Gadol goes into the Holy of Holies. Is it only when he offers the incense or also when he sprinkles the blood in the Holy of Holies? Rabbi Elazar distinguishes between the separation during the offering of the incense daily (where no one can be in the Sanctuary or in the area between the altar and the Sanctuary) and the offering of the incense in the Holy of Holies where one is allowed to be in the latter but not in the former. A question is brought from a braita where a similar distinction is made (regarding separation from the Sanctuary and also between the area in between the altar and the Sanctuary), however it seems to be distinguishing between other actions and not the incense in the Sanctuary and the Holy of Holies. Can other things be inferred from this braita regarding differentiating levels of sanctity in the Temple? Why were two shovels used for the incense on a regular day? And why not on Yom Kippur?  

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