Yoma 5 - April 16, 4 Iyar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Yoma 5 The shiurim this week are dedicated by the Balkany Family for refuah shleima of Noach Avraham ben Batya Shana. And by Yonatan Hober for a refuah shleima and a successful operation for Bosmat bat Yardena. What are the differences between the approaches of Rabbi Yochanan and Rabbi Chanina regarding whether or not all the details of the days of the inauguration were essential or only those that were essential on an ongoing basis, after the first days of inauguration? The four differences would be regarding smicha, tenufa, separation seven days before of the Kohen Gadol on Yom Kippur, and his having to wear the clothes and be anointed for seven days before starting to work as the Kohen Gadol. The gemara explains for each how we know they are not essential on an ongoing basis? The one who holds everything done at the inauguration was essential, from where is that derived? How did Moshe dress Aharon and his sons? There is a contradiction in the verses and the gemara brings two different approaches to understanding how it was done. 

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