Yoma 53 - June 3, 23 Sivan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Yoma 53 Pictures Today's daf is sponsored by Dodi Lee Lamm in memory of her beloved father, Rabbi Maurice Lamm, Moshe ben Meir Shmuel. "My father lived his life with joy, purpose, and an absolute abundance of love for his family. He was patient, kind, and wise. It is because of my father that I learn the daf, and I feel his presence in every word of Torah I read. May our learning give him pride and his neshama have an aliya." What is the source of the Pharisees / Sadducees' controversy regarding the incense on Yom Kippur? How does the Kohen Gadol walk out of the Holy of Holies? We learn from this about how to part from one’s rabbi and how to walk at the end of the Shmoneh Esre, the silent prayer. What prayer does the Kohen Gadol say after leaving the Holy of Holies. A story is told of Rabbi Hanina ben Dosa who was able to very easily influence the bringing and stopping of rain in a way that no Kohen Gadol was able to do. It is said of one Kohen Gadol that extended his prayer and caused great worry among the people who were concerned that he had died. The mishna describes the sprinklings of blood that the Kohen Gadol from the bloods of the bull and the goat inside the Holy of Holies and outside on the parcohet. In what order? How many sprinklings?  

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