Yoma 74 - June 24, 14 Tamuz

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Yoma 74 Today's daf is sponsored by Art Gould in thanks to HaShem for 48 years of marriage to my beloved bride and partner for life Carol Robinson. 50 years ago this August at a Hillel Summer Institute in Starlight, Pennsylvania on Erev Shabbat before davening I said to this really cute girl "sit with me and I'll get you a prayer book". (She said Yes!) We've been inseparable ever since." And by Robin Katcoff in honor of her 20th Anniversary to Jason. "Jason is my rock and my hero. He keeps me going every day and has helped me build an amazing family with our two daughters. His love of learning has inspired me to continue studying Daf for the past year and a half.  I love having him as my partner in Daf learning and life." The Gemara continues with a difficulty about the Reish Lakish's opinion that eating less than the requisite amount is forbidden by Rabbinic law. The gemara then questions the assumption the gemara made previously that the word "forbidden" would imply that there is no karet punishment. The opinions of Reish Lakish and rabbi Yochanan are discussed regarding less than a requisite amount (chatzi shiur) - is it or is it not forbidden by Torah law? What are the reasons behind each opinion? Rabbi Yochana brings a source against Reish Lakish. What is the definition of "affliction" of Yom Kippur and how is it derived from the verses?     

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