Yoma 75 - June 25, 15 Tamuz

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Yoma 75 Today's daf is sponsored by Becki Goldstein "following a family Shabbat Chukat of inspiring divrai torah and uplifting zmirot, celebrating my son Oryahel's 40th birthday, a siyum massechet by his 11 year old son and the graduation from yeshivat of 2 grandsons. זוכה לראות בנים ובני בנים עוסקים בתורה. Thank you to Rabbanit Michelle who enriches our daf yomi by making it relevant to our daily lives and encouraging a deepening chibur, connection, with Torah and Hashem." And by Julie Mendelsohn for a refuah shleima to Yosef Azriel ben Chaya Michal. Yosef, a teenager, was critically injured at Har Meron on Lag B'omer, and has not yet regained consciousness. The power of this group is very strong so let's all pray for his complete recovery.      The Gemara brings up a number of disagreements between Rabbi Ami and Rabbi Asi regarding a number of verses (as a continuation of the disagreement between them in the verses regarding the manna). The last of them deals with the punishments given to the serpent and the woman by God. Rav and Shmuel disagree on the verse "We remembered the daga", the complaint of the children of Israel in the wilderness about the manna and how much better it was in Egypt - are these really fish or forbidden relations? The gemara brings several drashot regarding the manna - its nature, special qualities (miraculous nature) and place of descent. Several drashot are brought regarding the quail that was brought after the Jews complained about not having meat. How was this a punishment? In many of the drashot, there is a reference to the differences between the righteous, the mediocre, and the wicked and how they each received different treatment from God.  

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