Yoma 76 - Shabbat June 26. 16 Tamuz

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Yoma 76 Today's daf is sponsored by Danny and Sara Berelowitz "in honor of the bar-mitzva of our grandson Ariel Berelowitz on Shabbat Parashat Balak." After the gemara brings another way of understanding the verse, “Strong bread was eaten by a man”, the gemara continues with three more discussions dealing with manna. The first - why did the manna go down daily? The second deals with the height of the manna learned from a comparison with the height of the water in the flood. The third - that the manna was a miracle that the world saw and not only the children of Israel. The gemara goes on to discuss the sources of the five afflictions that are practiced on Yom Kippur. Sources are brought to explain how it is known that avoiding washing and putting on oils is considered an affliction.

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