Yoma 80 - June 30, 20 Tamuz

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Yoma 80 Today's shiur is dedicated for a refuah shleima of Devora Shulamit bat Yocheved Chana. Usually the requisite amount for eating is an olive bulk but the size for the impurity of food is an exception - the size of an egg. This is derived from a change in language in the verse. This idea is reinforced from Yom Kippur where also a change in language reflects and change in requisite amount.   How do you know that food impurity is the size of an egg? Rabbi Elazar states that we must write down the size of something forbidden that we ate in case a court in the future will change the definition of the requisite amounts and we may no longer be required to bring a sacrifice when the temple is rebuilt. Rabbi Yochanan holds that requisite amount are a halacha l'Moshe m'Sinai, however, others disagree. The requisite amount for drinking is "cheekfuls" - what does this mean? Is it subjective? If so, how does this differ from the requirement for food which is not subjective. Several questions are raised. Food can join with other foods and drinks with other drinks to get to the requisite amount but not food and drink together. What about gravy with meat? If one eats excessively, one is exempt. Likewise for a non-Kohen who eats teruma in that manner will have to pay the principle but not the extra fifth as one does not benefit from the act of eating in this manner. 

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