Yoma 82 - July 2, 22 Tamuz

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Yoma 82 From what age do children need to fast? What are the laws regarding chinuch on this issue? From what age do they fast part of the day? The mishna refers to "one or two years before" regarding fasting for part of the day. Why does it say "one or two"? Rav Chisda says that we distinguish between weaker and stringer children. The gemara (according to Rashi) assumes that the mishna means a year or two before the year before they reach maturity as the year before maturity they need to fast on a rabbinic level. Two approaches are brought by amoraim and the gemara tries to reconcile those opinions with what is stated in the mishna. If a pregnant woman has a craving or a sick person needs to eat on Yom Kippur, what can be done? What if a pregnant woman has a craving for non-kosher food (not on Yom Kippur)? To save a life one can do anything except for three commandments - idol worship, forbidden sexual relations, and murder. From where are these laws derived? 

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