Yoma 84 - July 4, 24 Tamuz

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Yoma 84 This week's learning is sponsored by Elana and Danny Storch. "Thank You to our dear friends Miriam and Eric Feldstein for their generous hospitality throughout the years. With love and deep appreciation." And for a refuah shleima to Deborah Shulamit bat Yocheved Chana. This week's learning is also sponsored by Howard Jacoby Ruben in honor of Debby Jacoby for a wonderful first decade of married life together." So glad that Hashem helped us find each other through Torah." Today's daf is sponsored in memory of Hannah Plunka, Chanah Esther bat Eliyahu Eliezer, on her yahrzeit.   What is the remedy for one bitten by a mad dog? In what cases is one allowed to prepare and take medicine on Shabbat? Do the rabbis disagree with Rabbi Matia ben Charash about medicine for one with a throat ache or not? Saving one's life overrides Shabbat. Who can do it? Anyone? Or should we use someone who is not obligated in mitzvot? Shmuel holds that usual rules of majority don't hold in the case of life and death - to what case is he referring? 

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