Yoma 9 - April 20, 8 Iyar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Yoma 9 This week's learning is dedicated by Audrey Mondrow in memory of her precious mother Bessie ”Nanny” Mauskopf,  Basya Leah bat Meir Yehuda and Tzevia Chaya. "A woman who not only practiced the Torah laws but by her actions and her being, taught us the thread that holds the entire Torah together and that is the manner in which she conducted herself.  The gemara quotes a mishna about bakers who buy wheat from people who are considered am haaretz and uses it to show another situation where the parhedrin is used. The gemara again speaks of the bad situation in the Second Temple where high priests were replaced at least once a year (except for a few exceptions). Why was the mishkan destroyed in Shilo? Why were the first Temple and second Temple destroyed? What sins were rampant in those times? Rabbi Yochanan and Reish Lakish disagree on when it was worse - in the first Temple or in the second Temple? Reish Lakish claims that now there is no temple but there is Torah study and Rabbi Yochanan said that the temple is more important. They have another argument – Why did the divine presence not rest in the second Temple? Was it because not everyone immigrated to Israel in the days of Ezra or because the Persians were also involved in the building of the Temple?    

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