Episode 4: How Many Programming Languages?
Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs - A podcast by Conor Hoekstra & Bryce Adelstein Lelbach - Vineri
In this episode, Bryce and Conor talk about how many programming languages you should learn, why Haskell and APL are worth learning, and how to get your "scan eyes".Date Recorded: 2020-12-13Date Released: 2020-12-18Ben Deane's tweetBen Deane's blog post "Six languages worth knowing"Michael Park's Advent of Code 10A in AWKConor's Advent of Code 10A in SmalltalkConors' Advent of Code 11A in APLHaskell SectionsBoost hana::flipC++ P1371 Patten Matching ProposalConway's Game of Life in APL YouTube...