How you’re blocking success as a Projector in Human Design and how to create it instantly

Aligned Ascension - A podcast by Christy Avis


In this episode, I break down how to create success as a Projector in business. I help you align to your human design and recognize the subconscious blocks that have been keeping you from creating the income, life, and business that you want.  We dive into the Projector Fear of Being Overlooked and UnrecognizedThis fear goes deeper than just being seen. It’s actually about fearing that if you speak your truth, you won’t be recognized, and that will feel like failure (the thing you energetically want to run from) We also discuss the Fear That You Can’t Create Massive Success or Hold Onto ItThis isn’t really about fearing success; it’s about the fear that it won’t work out or that you’ll lose it once you have. I teach you how to remove success from a pedestal so you can embody it every day. You do this through my signature Projector Deconditioning Process. The final block we discuss is the fear That Expansion Will Be Hard and Require ForceBelieving success has to come through struggle is a sign that you haven’t fully felt what it’s like to be aligned with your work. This fear shows up when you’re disconnected from your natural flow. You’re here to lead a new paradigm as a Projector which means you need to FULLY let go of the old way of doing things. Many Projectors “try” to let go but are still hanging on to their conditioning so when they follow their flow, the self sabotage. The Projector Frequency is my signature program for Projectors in business to step into their most aligned frequency so they call in success with ease. When you master your alignment with success and stop sabotaging your energy, everything shifts. Success becomes ease-filled, and you’ll no longer feel the need to force or struggle. You’ll attract the clients and abundance with ease and speed. Join the Projector Frequency:  Join the free Aligned Ascension for Spiritual Entrepreneurs Facebook group for incredible free trainings here: Follow me on Instagram at  Rate and review the show, DM your screenshot to me and receive $200 off any of my programs (does not apply to masterclasses)

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