Projectors in Business: Stop blocking your expansion and allow yourself to scale

Aligned Ascension - A podcast by Christy Avis


In this episode, Christy goes deep into how Projectors block their expansion within their businesses. Some of the frequencies we tap into in this episode are how to actually lead a new paradigm within your business, how to bring the energetics of success into your body NOW instead of outsourcing success to a goal, and fear of structure.   We dive into why Projectors don’t fully allow themselves to go all out on their success because success holds the duality of failure. When you remove the charge around the fear of failure and allow yourself to bring in the frequency of success here and now.   Join the Projector Frequency, my signature program for projectors stepping into a new paradigm and being the frequency of success in life and business: Learn more about current offerings here:  Follow me on instagram at   Rate and review the show, DM your screenshot to me and receive $200 off any of my programs, courses, masterminds, or 1:1 (does not apply to masterclasses) 

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