AAB 297 Co-sleeping and Room Sharing

All About Breastfeeding - A podcast by Lori J. Isenstadt IBCLC


Bed sharing is having the babies sleep in the same bed as the adults.  This is what I did.when my kids were young. I didn't know it at the time because it just seemed right and it helped me get some much needed rest, however,   Bed sharing was very common up to the 19th century.  People use to sleep in very close quarters to each other, places were small, sleeping with each other kept people warm at night.  What changed?    Houses got bigger, babies were given their own room, the baby crib industry grew and more and more babies were put in their own crib.  In the scheme of things, meaning bed sharing has been happening since the beginning of time,  This nightime habit is relatively news.  Bed sharing and co-sleeping has been shown to save babies lives, promotes bonding,and enables parents to get more sleep.

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