AALP 214 – Living Fabulously with the Debt Free Guys

Art of Abundance with Leisa Peterson - A podcast by Leisa Peterson

Hold onto your seats – today’s conversation is one of my favorites because the honesty and sincerity that gets shared my guests, John Schneider and David Auten is second to none. With their writing and speaking for DebtFreeGuys.com (Debt Free Guys LLC) and their Queer Money™ podcast, David and John help queer people live fabulously, not fabulously broke.   During our conversation, they share their backstory about figuring out they were in way over their head with credit card debt and how they went about turning their lives around.  They also discuss their commitment to helping people in the LGBT community who often have similar challenges with spending more than they can afford and unconsciously getting into debt. David and John are regular contributors to Forbes and their work has appeared in Motley Fool, Yahoo Finance, Huffington Post, Business Insider and Time to name a few.  To learn more about Debt Free Guys go to www.debtfreeguys.com or get their FREE Living Fabulously Daily Journal at  https://debtfreeguys.com/fabulous-daily-journal/

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