AALP 238 – Untethering Your Money Story, A Case Study

Art of Abundance with Leisa Peterson - A podcast by Leisa Peterson

  Today’s podcast is a deep dive excursion that a client of mine and I took recently to uncover the beliefs that were holding her back in her business and relationships.  This work is an extension of my Mindful Millionaire Group Coaching Intensive that helps people to not only uncover their money story, but break free of the limiting and lack-based patterns that have been governing their life thus far. One of the participants was so excited about how this work has affected her life and business, she volunteered to come on the show and do the work together to reveal the inside scoop of one of the many ways this work that will be featured in my upcoming book leads to life-changing breakthroughs. During this episode, you’ll hear the exact process I guide my clients through after we’ve identified a limiting money belief — in this case her beliefs were causing her to procrastinate in her business and with other endeavors that are deeply meaningful to her life. You’ll witness the healing process in action while considering just how stuck we can become in our own stories of limitation and lack.  My hope is that by listening to this conversation you’ll have your own epiphanies and breakthroughs around limiting beliefs that have been holding you back from creating the life you dream about.  At the end of the conversation, you’ll hear how my client, who also happens to be a therapist, has used my methods and teachings to create a whole new reality for herself — with her money, her business and, most importantly, within the relationship she has with herself. Please be sure to leave your comments about limiting beliefs and the realizations that come up for you as you listen in.  I’d love to hear what you think and how this helps you to learn more about yourself 🙂

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