Self-Healing Anxiety and Chronic Pain with Nicole Sachs
Big Time Adulting - A podcast by Caitlin Murray

Today, we have the luminous Nicole Sachs, an LCSW, speaker, writer, podcaster, and psychotherapist who has dedicated her work to the treatment of emotional and physical chronic pain. In this episode, Nicole shares her fascinating story of healing her own debilitating back pain through mind/body medicine inspired by Dr. John Sarno who encouraged her to journal about her repressed emotions. Nicole reflects on the watershed moment when she wrote the words, “I hate being a mother,” a proclamation that released an emotional pressure valve and helped her heal her pain and ultimately enriched her relationship with her kids. Through the lens of motherhood, Caitlin and Nicole talk about the link between emotions, anxiety, depression, and chronic pain, and how we can begin to free ourselves from their grips so that we can experience more connection and energy along our parenting journey. Nicole has developed a process called JournalSpeak also known as “rage on the page,” a type of expressive writing therapy that rewires neural pathways that cause chronic symptoms. If your bullshit meter is going off, then lean into this episode even harder because Nicole is kind of amazing and certainly changed my preconceived notions about mind/body medicine. Connect with Nicole Sachs: @nicolesachslcsw Visit to learn more about JournalSpeak and to find Nicole's membership community, retreats, and on-demand courses: Freedom From Chronic Pain Freedom From an Anxious Life Listen to Caitlin on Nicole's podcast, Freedom From Chronic Pain: Finding Your Authentic Voice (and Humor) When Life is Hard with Caitlin Murray. --- Find me Caitlin Murray @bigtimeadulting The Big Time Adulting podcast is brought to you in part by a few of my favorite brands & affiliate partners: Knockaround Sunglasses (use code BIGTIMEADULTING for 15% OFF) Perfect Bar The best store in the world The second best store