Buddhas on Corona 7APR2020

Buddhas by the Roadside - A podcast by Buddhas by The Roadside

In this episode we explore energy and feelings in the body, dealing with despair and hopelessness. We dive into the opposite direction, what are the alternative visions and mechanisms. What happens during change and what role do the early adopters have.  The enlightening power of Terry Pratchet, egyptian worldviews and psychological development in the modern age. What makes for a new way? Start with an egg .

We've been working on this podcast for about 8 months without releasing anything. We have had troubles finding our format, some technical issues and so on. Now, we want to talk about the elephant in the room. All of these episodes are fairly unedited and we try to shine some light on the Covid-19 pandemic from as many angles as we can.

Please note that the name of the episode is also when we recorded the episode.

Buddhas by the Roadside is a podcast by Helena Roth, Dominic Venter and Caspian Almerud. All three of us live in Sweden.

Visit the podcast's native language site