Wholesome Actions | Venerable Kassapa | Meditation at Cambodian Buddhist Society of WA

Buddhist Society of Western Australia - A podcast by Buddhist Society of Western Australia

Monday 09th November 2024Monday Night Meditation at the Cambodian Society of WA (CBSWA) with Venerable Kassapa. These weekly teachings give an introduction into meditation and some guidance and basics into the practice of the Buddhist Path. They usually consist of a short talk, thirty minute meditation and then questions & answers.Chapters    00.00.00    Metta Sutta    00:04:24    Meditation    00:34:29    Dharma Talk    01:29:50    Closing Chant    01:31:45    ClosePlease support us on Ko-Fi BSWA teachings are available from: · BSWA Teachings· BSWA Podcast Channel· BSWA DeeperDhamma Podbean Channel· BSWA YouTubeTeaching retrieved from CBSWA please visit to find out how to attend the monastery in person.

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