S17 Ep167: The Interview: Troy Hadeed ~ The Miracle of Kindness
Byte Sized Blessings - A podcast by Kirsten Rudberg
This Sunday's episode takes place in Trinidad & Tobago-and my guest, Troy Hadeed, was struggling. A yoga practitioner, he went to the beach to practice with the sunset and there, in a lifeguard hut, had an experience that changed him forever! Troy was so moved by the experience he quite literally had it tattooed on his body-to remind him forever that it had really happened. And I think we've all had these moments in our lives, of inescapable beauty. Things that stun us, catch us up short and gobsmack us with the irrefutable truth of the gorgeousness in the world. And Troy carries his experience with him and when he has hard times, goes back to it time and again to heal his heart. Troy is a magical human and besides for being a yoga practitioner has a book out that is transcendent: "My Name is Love, We're Not All That Different." To buy it click here. Troy shares how he views the world in this episode and really, much of it is colored by his colorful life. Here is his website for more about this delightful human being! And yes, your moment of beauty! It's right here! This song by Dinah Washington is simply stunning and whenever I need to downshift or take some time to heal my heart I put it on repeat! I hope you enjoy! Thanks to everyone who listens and remember, share and subscribe to the pod!! See you all so very soon for the very next episode!