S17 Ep196: 196: The Interview: Amilynne Carroll ~ To Be Or Not To Be! (the Near Death Experience!)

Byte Sized Blessings - A podcast by Kirsten Rudberg

Amilynne is a remarkable human being who has survived more than most (one example alone is her Stage 4 cancer that she overcame!) and who is thriving helping others navigate life and spirituality! She is a powerful speaker, as well as a divine being here on Earth demonstrating to all of the rest of us the way to live life with grace! She is also quadriplegic, but guess what? That doesn't slow her down, not one whit! For one example of her amazingness please watch her TEDtalk "Reclaiming Command With Quadriplegia" here. We had a seriously groovy conversation and I for one am grateful that I get to share my time here on this planet with her! To check out her website click here! Thanks to all those who listen to this podcast...please remember to share the heck out of it with others, as well as to subscribe to this little pod of mine! Ratings and reviews are the bees knees, you all, so please consider doing one, or, if you're feeling especially generous, both! Please check out my YouTube channel...where you can check out my guests in real life! Waa hoo...they actually do exist you all!! Your bit of beauty this week is this sweet video, from Dodo Kids! Cuddly little Turbo, a dog born without his front legs, is struggling to get around in the world. And then? An angel stepped in to give little Turbo just what he needed! If you're not misty eyed by the end of this video...you might be an alien! see you all next week for the very next episode of the pod!

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