CT49 – Dr. John Colarusso on the Narts Sagas

CaucasTalk - A podcast by Andrew & Eli

The Nart sagas lie like bedrock, or like groundwater, deep under the surface of the cultures here in the Caucasus. It is our immense privilege to welcome our esteemed guest Dr. John Colarusso to the podcast today. Dr. Colarusso ranks as the world’s leading expert on the Narts. He is the only person to have ever penned—or even attempted—a translation into English of the sagas. He is an expert on several of the Caucasus languages and has written prolifically on them. We learned a ton about these fascinating mythologies and really have only just skimmed the surface. Join us as we enter into the magical world of the Narts!

Links for Episode 49

About Dr. Colarusso: https://socialsciences.mcmaster.ca/people/colarusso-john


4:58 – Story Time with Uncle Andrew: Dagestani Hospitality11:29 – Story Time with Uncle Eli: Dagstani Storytelling17:40 – Interview with Dr. John Colarusso

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