CT66 – Travel Tips: Adygea! Sub-Tropical Hikes | Caverns | Cheese
CaucasTalk - A podcast by Andrew & Eli
If you can’t find Adygea (Adyghea/Adygheya) on a map, or if you never knew that sub-tropical forests grow in the North Caucasus, you’re not alone! Looking for soft rolling forests, deep caves, train rides, and famous cheese? Consider Adygea. One of the most remote republics in the region, it stretches from the north side of the mountains down to neighboring Abkhazia, almost to the Black Sea. Our good friend Rashid gives us key travel info for those interested in checking it out.
Links for Episode 66
Rashid Baychurov: caucasus.proAzishskaya CavernsLago-Naki Plateau