CT8 – Humanizing Stereotypes

CaucasTalk - A podcast by Andrew & Eli

Stereotypes . . . we all have them. Biases braid their way into how we interpret our daily experience. They inform our perception of reality, other cultures, and—most significantly—other people. And sometimes, they warp our perception of these things.
Living in the North Caucasus we have experienced stereotypes in many directions, others’ about us as Americans, and ours about our neighbors here. But what happens when we allow our stereotypes to take a backseat to actually getting to know a person? Today we share about the power of focusing on individuals, and humanizing our way out of stereotypes that harm ourselves and others.
Listen to the end for practical tips to apply these principles to your life!
Episode 8 Links

Russia Stereotypes

America Stereotypes

”Where Bias Begins: The truth about stereotypes”

Visit the podcast's native language site