CT84 – FEEDBACK WEEK!! | Survey & Questionnaire! | Let your voice be heard | Direct the future of the Podcast | Join the newsletter

CaucasTalk - A podcast by Andrew & Eli

The tables are flipped this week: We want YOU to do the talking. It’s Feedback Week here at CaucasTalk and we want to hear from you. Help us direct the future of the podcast. This year has thrown so much into flux and we’ve all had to make changes. CaucasTalk is no exception. We are exploring new trajectories for our project and want to tap our incredible base of loyal listeners for fresh insights and ideas. Please give this short episode a listen, then CLICK BELOW to take our first-ever listener survey. (We think this is super exciting.) Plus, you will have an opportunity to sign up for our new newsletter, which will help us keep in closer touch with you our listeners and provide the content most meaningful to you. TAKE OUR SURVEY! https://us16.list-manage.com/survey?u=7d07307e03c05f6acf7a33ea8&id=64c3a2aa4e

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