Commusings: Is Mental Illness a Metabolic Disorder?
Commune with Jeff Krasno - A podcast by Commune

Could there be a unifying theory of mental disorder? Could mental illness be a metabolic disorder of the brain? In this episode, I summarize my extensive conversation with Dr. Chris Palmer, author of the new fascinating book, Brain Energy.Commusings are thoughtful essays and short-form reflections on the topics of spirituality, philosophy, health, and culture. For more musings and quotes, connect with us on Instagram at @onecommune or @jeffkrasno or sign up for the Commusings newsletter at podcast is supported by:Bon Charge Get 15% off when you order at and use promo code COMMUNEPouriGo to use promo code COMMUNE to save 20% on a one-time purchaseStemregenGet 20% off your first order at with the code COMMUNEPODApollo NeuroGet 20% off your purchase of the Apollo wearable at a free sample pack with any purchase at