Culturally Competent Nutrition Focused Physical Examination featuring Stephanie Send, MS, RDN, LDN, CNSC

Dietitians in Nutrition Support: DNS Podcast - A podcast by Hosted by Christina Rollins, MBA, MS, RDN, LDN, FAND, CNSC - Luni

Our guest today is registered dietitian nutritionist, Stephanie Send, here to talk with us about her recent publication in the April 2023 edition of DNS SupportLine entitled Culturally Competent Nutrition Focused Physical Examination or NFPE.  Stephanie is a Chicago-based registered dietitian who specializes in nutrition support with a focus on digestive health, critical care, and surgical nutrition. She currently works at Northwestern Memorial Hospital on the nutrition support team, and also serves as an adjunct faculty member to graduate nutrition students at Loyola University teaching a nutrition-focused physical assessment course. Join us as we explore NFPE through a culturally competent lens.  This episode is hosted by Christina Rollins, MBA, MS, RDN, LDN, FAND, CNSC. Nonmembers can access the April 2023 edition of DNS SupportLine at

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