Different People :: S02E01

Different People - A podcast by Dr. R. Abdulrehman

Leadership... organizational culture... engagement at work: These are the themes we will explore through a Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging lens as we step into season two. In this kick-off, Rehman and lisa look at the role of leaders, and what it will take to change systems and cultures at work where bias is entrenched—and how we might go about doing that. Specifically: how do we go from bandage solutions (like posting black squares in social media or signing off on a new hiring policy) to revealing and shifting the privilege that keeps systemic racism in place at the office, the factory and the zoom call. :: Post Production by jonathanle.net :: Music theme by blueimusic.com :: Learn more about us at differentpeople.ca :: Reach lisa and Rehman at [email protected]

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