“Digital Minds: Importance and Key Research Questions” by Andreas_Mogensen

EA Forum Podcast (All audio) - A podcast by EA Forum Team

by Andreas Mogensen, Bradford Saad, and Patrick Butlin 1. Introduction This post summarizes why we think that digital minds might be very important for how well the future goes, as well as some of the key research topics we think it might be especially valuable to work on as a result. We begin by summarizing the case for thinking that digital minds could be important. This is largely a synthesis of points that have already been raised elsewhere, so readers who are already familiar with the topic might want to skip ahead to section 3, where we outline what we see as some of the highest-priority open research questions. 2. Importance Let's define a digital mind as a conscious individual whose psychological states are due to the activity of an inorganic computational substrate as opposed to a squishy brain made up of neurons, glia, and the like.[1] By [...] ---Outline:(00:12) 1. Introduction(00:46) 2. Importance(09:57) 3. How research might help(10:34) Assessing AI systems for consciousness(12:36) Indicators of of valenced experience(14:18) Biological constraints(16:13) Norms and principles governing the creation of digital minds(17:28) Mind and moral status(19:55) Willing servitude(20:48) 4. Concluding Observations(22:57) Bibliography:The original text contained 8 footnotes which were omitted from this narration. --- First published: July 3rd, 2024 Source: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/HZtBJi4fv5ftEAj9p/digital-minds-importance-and-key-research-questions --- Narrated by TYPE III AUDIO.

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