“Effective Altruism Infrastructure Fund: March 2024 recommendations” by Linch, calebp, Harri Besceli, Tom Barnes

EA Forum Podcast (All audio) - A podcast by EA Forum Team

This payout report covers the EA Infrastructure Fund's grantmaking from June 16th 2023 to March 31st 2024 (9.5 months). It follows our previous June 2023 payout report. Total funding recommended: $1,697,882 Total funding paid out[1]: $1,386,854 Number of grants paid out: 41 Acceptance rate (excluding desk rejections): 49/173 = 28.3% Acceptance rate (including desk rejections): 18.4% (49/266) Report authors: Linchuan Zhang (primary author), Caleb Parikh (interim fund chair), Harri Bescelli, Tom Barnes Funding breakdown[2] EA Groups: $456,780 granted across 18 grants EA-related Groups: $312,304 granted across 6 grants EA Content: $78,216 granted across 3 grants EA Services and Infrastructure: $179,957 granted across 6 grants Effective Giving: $53,000 granted across 2 grants Research: $216,535 granted across 6 grants [Total]: $1,386,854 8 of our grantees, who received a total of $521, 206, requested that our public reports for their grants are anonymized (they’re written below). 1 grantee, who received $2,500, requested that we do not [...] ---Outline:(02:32) Highlighted Grants(16:32) Other Updates(18:48) Other writings(20:40) Appendix(20:43) Other grantsThe original text contained 2 footnotes which were omitted from this narration. --- First published: May 27th, 2024 Source: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/NiFTexNEnNoGShZr7/effective-altruism-infrastructure-fund-march-2024 --- Narrated by TYPE III AUDIO.

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