“Eight Fundamental Constraints for Growing a Research Organization” by Peter Wildeford
EA Forum Podcast (All audio) - A podcast by EA Forum Team

I run a research organization. At any point you want to grow your organization, there will be at least one constraint that keeps it from growing. Over time, I've distilled these into what I consider to be eight fundamental constraints. You may have heard of talent gaps and funding gaps, but I actually think there are eight such gaps. Which constraint it is may change over time, but it is always one of these eight. (1) There needs to be a sufficient amount of important+neglected+tractable work to support an additional researcher at the research organization. If this constraint is in place, there isn't enough for an additional person to productively do. (People basically never report this as an actual constraint.) (2) The research organization needs sufficient skill at prioritization, strategy, and vision to ensure they are correctly doing (1) and doing it well. If this [...] --- First published: June 14th, 2024 Source: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/zwqmfz2SwY2uMe4FN/eight-fundamental-constraints-for-growing-a-research --- Narrated by TYPE III AUDIO.