“Marisa, the Co-Founder of EA Anywhere, Has Passed Away” by carrickflynn

EA Forum Podcast (All audio) - A podcast by EA Forum Team

(Apologies for errors or sloppiness in this post, it was written quickly and emotionally.) Marisa committed suicide earlier this month. She suffered for years from a cruel mental illness, but that will not be legacy–her legacy will be the enormous amount of suffering she alleviated for others. In her short life she worked with Rethink Charity, the Legal Priorities Project, co-founded EA Anywhere, and volunteered with many more impactful organizations. Looking to further scale her impact she completed most of a Master of Public Policy degree at Georgetown. Marisa was relentless. Even among the impressive cohort of young EAs, she had a diligence and work ethic that amazed and inspired. She got things done. She was also wickedly funny. Even while suffering deeply, she could make me cry with laughter. Epidemiologically, suicide is contagious within communities. Marisa's does not have to be. Everyone reading this is only one comment [...] --- First published: May 17th, 2024 Source: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/cPFBJ8YkkzS9niBuo/marisa-the-co-founder-of-ea-anywhere-has-passed-away --- Narrated by TYPE III AUDIO.

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